Page 294 - Designs and Specifications of Products | MSU Mississauga
P. 294

R Re eq qu ui ir re em me en nt ts s   F Fo or r   C Co om mp pa an ni ie es s   C Ce er rt ti if fi ie ed d   T To o   W We el ld d   M Mi is sc ce el ll la an ne eo ou us s   M Me et ta al ls s

                     In the metal fabrication industry there are a variety of manufacturing practices and
                   procedures that must be adhered to in order to produce quality products that meet
                   provincial standards & codes. Companies that assure these methods are implemented
                   provide an individual, business or government with safe products that meet their
                   expectations while decreasing the liability incurred by engaging non-compliant
                     This fact sheet is meant to educate you in the proper method of determining whether
                   Miscellaneous Metal trades or sub-trades meet Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB)
                   Certification requirements when they supply welded products to your project.

                       -   Under section 5500 Miscellaneous Metals there are typically 3 materials that require CWB
                          welding procedures: Aluminum, Stainless Steel & Mild Steel.

                       -   Each of these metals fall into a different division for welding certification:
                          Aluminum – CSA W47.2 & CSA W59.2
                          Stainless Steel – CSA W47.1 & AWS D1.6
                          Mild Steel – CSA 47.1 & CSA W59

                       -   All companies supplying welded material, when it is specified they must carry out welding
                          In accordance with the preceding standards, will be listed at the Canadian Welding
                          Bureau. This information can be easily accessed through their website at
                 A simple search will reveal to which standard and in which division the
                          company is certified. Certification occurs when the company has followed the steps
                          outlined below.   Use of a non-certified company may result in non-compliance with
                          provincial and/or safety standards.

                       -   Depending on which fabricated metal product falls under which division, there may be
                          various welding procedures required to fabricate those products.

                       -   A company that is certified to weld aluminum, stainless steel or mild steel is required to
                          have a CWB Qualified welding supervisor, CWB Accepted welding procedures and CWB
                          qualified welders.   They may also be required to retain a CWB Accepted welding

                       -   For every welding procedure, a welding procedure data sheet must be created by the
                          engineer and carry his seal. This data sheet is submitted to CWB and is reviewed and
                          stamped accepted.. This procedure data sheet is only applicable to the submitting
                          company. It is not transferable to another company. Upon acceptance of the data sheet
                          the company can then arrange for a welder qualification test.

                       -   In order for a company to comply with an engineer’s request to have welding be in
                          accordance with division standards, in a bidding and contracting requirement
                          specification, a welder must be qualified in both the welding process and position
                          necessary to fabricate that product. That means he has passed a practical test witnessed
                          by the CWB and is being supervised by the company’s CWB qualified welding supervisor.
                          Welder qualifications cannot be transferred to other individuals in the company.

                       -   Welder qualifications are logged by CWB and the company must also keep copies of
                          these qualifications and a report stating which individual is certified for which process and

                       -   At any time a customer may ask a company to send all relevant data sheets and
                          individual welder qualifications for all procedures that may be required in a tender.  The
                          company’s letter of validation can also be requested to verify the certification of the
                          company.  Your due diligence in advance will determine safety, longevity and liability in
                          the future.
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